DV/BIP STC Approved CEU Training Catalog

Attend interactive online, instructor-led courses or stream a video training course at your own pace (see the Pre-Recorded Training section at the bottom of this page).

STC Approved CEU Credits

1203.098 California Facilitator Training

Refresh and Expand your Domestic Violence Facilitator Skills and Strategies! (Individual classes are open to facilitators who need 16-CEU annual credits and already have their 40-hour training certificate)

Contact Us directly if you would like to attend one or more of the following virtual training courses. Send an email to support@streets2schools.com

STC# 1203 Module Title Topics Covered date #CEU credits
2667838 1 Victim safety and the role of shelters I 1 The Domestic Violence Cycle, 2 Primary, secondary, tertiary Victims of Domestic Violence, 3 Importance of Attachment Processes, 4 Domestic Violence and the Double Bind 02/07/2025, 10am-12pm Fri [Order Now] 4
6674626 2 Victim safety and the role of shelters II 1 Complexity of Intimate Partner Violence, 2 Finding Safety and Security, 3 Victim Safety Plan, 4 Shelters from the Storm 02/14/2025, 10am-12pm Fri [Order Now] 4
932507 3 Multi-cultural/ethnic and cross-cultural diversity I 1 Ethnic vs. Cultural Identity, 2 Cross-Cultural Diversity, 3 Multi-Cultural / Ethnic and Cross-Cultural Diversity Communication, 4 Reciprocity 02/21/2025, 10am-12pm Fri [Order Now] 4
6447158 4 Multi-cultural/ethnic and cross-cultural diversity II 3 Developing an Equity Pedagogy, 4 Widen the Window of Receptivity 02/28/2025, 10am-12pm Fri [Order Now] 4
6069163 5 Substance abuse in Domestic Violence I 1 Substance Misuse, Abuse, and Addiction, 2 Interaction Between Substance Abuse and Domestic Violence, 3 Substance Abuse Treatment Programs, 4 Substance Abuse Intervention Services 03/07/2025, 10am-12pm Fri [Order Now] 4
6028105 6 Intake and assessment, history of violence and nature of threats I 1 Intake Process – Part 1, 2 Intake Process – Part 2, 3 Nature and Severity of Violent Behavior, 4 Initial, Formative, and Summative Assessments 03/14/2025, 10am-12pm Fri [Order Now] 4
2681130 7 Group content areas, including gender roles, nature of violence, dynamics of power and control, and effects on children I 1 Nature of Violence, 2 The Domestic Violence Cycle, 3 Dynamics of Power and Control, 4 Gender Roles in the Cycle of Violence 03/21/2025, 10am-12pm Fri [Order Now] 4
8612870 8 Group content areas, including gender roles, nature of violence, dynamics of power and control, and effects on children II 1 Effects of Domestic Violence on Children, 2 Outcomes of Trauma and Exposure to Violence, 3 Accountability and Sustainable Behavioral Change, 4 Termination and Completion Issues 03/28/2025, 10am-12pm Fri [Order Now]/a> 4
5381554 9 Group facilitation 1 Effects of Domestic Violence on Children, 2 Outcomes of Trauma and Exposure to Violence, 3 Accountability and Sustainable Behavioral Change, 4 Termination and Completion Issues 04/04/2025, 10am-12pm Fri [Order Now] 4
3872288 10 Domestic Violence and the law, ethics, PC1203.097 and the role of programs -A 1 Overview of California PC 1203.097 and 1203.098, 2 The Role of Provider Programs, 3 Ethics and Professional Best Practice as a Service Provider, 4 Importance of the Provider – Probation Agency Relationship 04/11/2025, 10am-12pm Fri [Order Now] 4

Probation Departments please email support@commitment2change.com for discount code.

Live Instructor-led Classes: Training Workshops

*Contact Us if you have questions or would like to request a specific topic for a future workshop. Send an email to support@streets2schools.com.

To register for this LIVE Workshop on December 6th, click here.

STC# Title Topics Covered date #CEU credits
Pending Breaking Toxic Cycles Live workshop Addressing Unhealthy Patterns In Our Lives 02/01/25 12:30-2:00pm Sat 2

Pre-Recorded Trainings: Online Streaming Video, Immediate Access

Purchase of a video training will give you immediate access to the video.

As part of the purchase, you will create a Commitment2Change account so that you can return and view the video anytime in the next 30 days. To purchase and download the streaming training videos, click here.

STC# Title Topics Covered date #CEU credits
43646 Navigating Loss and Fear Navigating Loss and Fear: Implications for Security and Relationships Through Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Attachment Theory on-demand, [Buy Now] 2
9494698 Compassion Fatigue and Burnout Defining Compassion Fatigue and Burnout, Discussing Root Causes and Impact, Applying Successful Strategies on-demand, [Buy Now] 2
4332751 Professional Communication Enhancing Professional Communication on-demand, [Buy Now] 3
2114545 Conflict Management Conflict Management: Understanind Conflict, Applying Strategic Strategies for Effective Communication Through Conflict on-demand, [Buy Now] 2

Probation Departments please email support@commitment2change.com for discount code.